Stock Android is better to compare with other Mobile Manufacturer Custom Skin OS. But, In the case of Oxygen OS, It is wise optimized near Stock Android. I love this OS. When another manufacturer blindly added some bloatware apps and optimizations, OnePlus Always better with their Oxygen OS. They May be follow 45-60 Days updates. But, the upgrade is worthy. OnePlus 6 comes with the Oreo version. Where the T version of this model comes with Pie version, both mobiles are now receiving Official Android 10 after some beta versions roll out. There are plenty of real features added in this version. Yes, Unlike some UI tweaks, These versions added some features like Privacy enhancements, Performance level Improvements. You can always update your mobile using the Software update option. If you can’t do that, try with the OnePlus Updater App. When those auto methods fail, work with below manual processes. If you are a root user, who is using Custom Recovery, follow TWRP based process.
Pre-Requirement Steps
You should perform these steps before starting the process.
Run a backup
Always and always, you must run a comprehensive backup of all files, documents, and data on the Android device to be worked on. While the action may be done by a professional, if there be any mistakes, all data on the Mobile will be lost.
So, to be on the safe side, do run a backup first before continuing.
Charge the device fully
A lot of people will say you should charge the device up to 50% battery percentage or more. We recommend a fully loaded mobile so that there won’t be any stories.
Deal of the Day
Download ADB drivers, and ROM
- Yeah, it is essential. You must download and install the ADB drivers on the PC, which you’ll be using for this action.
- Download the ADB drivers. Install it on your PC.
- Download Oxygen OS ROM below. Copy this file to ADB Folder.
Flash Firmware Oxygen OS 10 in OnePlus 6 and 6T devices (International Variants)
Official OTA Method
If you want to update a security patch to the current month. Don’t go for the manual method. Try this Automatic method.
The process is straightforward and simple;
Go to your device setting menu and scroll down to the bottom
Tap on “Software Update”
You may have to refresh the page to start the OTA upgrade process.
Manual Method
Using the Stock Recovery Method
- Download firmware from the above link and copy it on your mobile.
- Switch off your device. Then, enter into Recovery mode. To do this, press and hold down the Volume Down+ Power buttons at the same time for some time.
Press the Volume Down button to continue when you see the warning message.
- Select “Install from internal storage.” select the storage where you downloaded your firmware file.
- Wait for the process to complete. Don’t interrupt your mobile during the process.
Using ADB and Fastboot method
This method requires PC support; You can also use this method to use Stock ROM If you are using Custom ROMs.
- Copy your downloaded firmware to PC and rename it to Copy those files to the folder where you installed ADB and Fastboot.
- Switch off your device. Then, enter into the Stock Recovery mode. To do this- Press and hold down the Volume Down + Power buttons at the same time for some time.
Press the Volume Up button to continue when you see the warning message.
Now, connect the OnePlus 6/6T mobile to the computer via USB cable.
- In Your Mobile stock recovery, select “Install from ADB.”
Launch the fastboot on your computer. Open a Command prompt on your PC and type below command.
- fastboot devices
- It should display the connected devices. If you didn’t get the Mobile, restart the command prompt and Disconnect and Connect your mobile. If you are detected, type below commands.
- adb sideload
- The command will install all the files. When the process complete, It will reboot your mobile.
TWRP Recovery Method
This method is for those who are using Custom Recovery. Full TWRP Backup on External storage is necessary. You will lose All Data.
- Download firmware from the above link, Magisk.Zip, and Copy it in your External mobile storage (OTG Cable). Don’t copy it in your Internal Storage. We are going to Wipe the entire mobile Internal memory.
- Switch off your device. Then, enter into TWRP Recovery mode. To do this, press and hold down the Volume Down+ Power buttons at the same time for some time.
- Select Wipe->Advance Wipe->Select System, Dalvik Cache Data. (Will Wipe all Data Including user Data)
- Return to Home of TWRP select Install.
- Select
- After the Installation, Install
- Reboot Your Mobile.
Check Firmware
Since you have just flashed new firmware to your OnePlus 6 device, you may want to check if the firmware is correctly installed or not. Follow the step below to check your device firmware version.
You can check the firmware details >>> settings >>> about >>> version.
OnePlus 6 and 6T Android 10 Features
There are plenty of features added in the 10 version, compare with the Pie version. Here I mentioned some important features.
Live Caption
You know this already, If you turn on Subtitles in the Youtube, It will auto-generate the captions. The Same functionality can be work on all over your device videos. It Doesn’t require Wi-Fi/ Data. This feature not yet available. But, It will be rolling out soon.
Languages are limited as per Google Data.
Smart Reply
It is already available in the Pie version. But it is limited. Now you can explore more actions when you get the messages. You can Open Links, Open Apps based on the messages.
Sound Amplifier
We always do this using Third-party apps. Now we can adjust the Volume and Tune, Equalize using the in-built feature. You can do a lot of things like Reduce noise, Enhance the Tune like that.
Enhanced Gesture Navigation
The True Gesture Navigation has finally arrived. It may not be best compare with OnePlus devices, But It is way better than the Pie 9.0 version. If you swipe From Left to Right, It goes forward. Right to Left goes Backward. Home button work as usual. Recently used apps can be accessed By Swiping Quarter Screen to the Top. Simple Navigation to avoid confusion.
Dark Mode
It is not like Night Mode. It didn’t add a filter in the Display. If you have OLED Display, It will surely save your battery power from 5-30% based on your usage.
Google always added enhanced Privacy features in every Android version. In the 10th version, You can handle your Privacy lot better. It will always tell you when your installed apps access your location in the Background. So, that you can manage whether you need that permission on Always or During the app usage.
Direct System Updates
Unlike regular OTA updates from your Manufacturers, the regular patch updates will be handled by Google After you updated to Android 10 version. It can be done using your Google Play App. If you have Custom Skin OS from your Manufacturer, Google will not change the UI. They will handle only Patch updates. This is one of the most critical steps taken from their side. It will help all the users who are tired of their Manufacturer Late updates.
Focus Mode
It can be an additional function of Digital Wellbeing. Now you can Pause some apps to avoid the Notifications For a short time or a Long time. Some mobiles are made based on this scenario. To avoid distractions and get focused on what you are doing. Think you are Studying, and Single Whatsapp message can redirect you. With the help of this feature, you can use only Study apps during your Study time.
Family Link
It is like Parental Control. You can control the App Timings within your Added Google Accounts.
Other improvements and changes
- HEIF Image, Monochrome Camera Support.
- New Set of Emoji.
- Enhanced Adaptive Battery Improvements compare with the Pie version.
- Contaminant Detection- If any moistures are in your USB Ports, your mobile will alert you.
Exclusive OnePlus changes
- Customization Settings- Enhanced Working feature compare with other mobile manufacturer versions.
- Game Space- Added optimization and enhancements to Play your Favourite game.
Final Words
If you are in Stock firmware, Use the Internal memory update method. It is comfortable and safe; You can update like a Regular OTA Update. But if you were already using Rooted devices, You can try TWRP based Method. Don’t download any third-party apps; sometimes, it may trigger the updates process. There are a lot of new Gestures available in this Update, try them also. In my opinion, OnePlus 6/6T near Stock Android is better to compare with some other Custom Skin OS. So try to use this OS instead of a Custom OS. But the decision is your choice…:)

Selva Ganesh is the Chief Editor of this Blog. He is a Computer Science Engineer, An experienced Android Developer, Professional Blogger with 8+ years in the field. He completed courses about Google News Initiative. He runs Android Infotech which offers Problem Solving Articles around the globe.
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