After TikTok became famous and slowly began to have a vast user base, All other video platform companies tried their best to provide better alternatives. YouTube rolled out Shorts, and Instagram Rolledout Reels. After the significant rollout, YouTube often pushes new features to promote Shorts videos. But it is always hit and miss scenario. In my opinion, even though YouTube tried, It didn’t utilize the full potential of Shorts and didn’t give them proper importance. But with the new update in the mobile of App YouTube, YouTube Shorts are getting a Separate Tab in the Mobile App.
YouTube Shorts are getting a Separate Tab in the Mobile App
The new features will allow users to have more ease in accessing the kinds of YouTube videos they wish to view the move YouTube claims to have was from users’ feedback. With the announcement that the company made, it said it received feedback from users that they wanted to navigate to the type of content that they were interested in when they visited the channel’s page for creators, which led to the redesign.
This update also means that content from Shorts and Live streams won’t longer appear in the main tab of videos on the channel’s page. This could interest long-time YouTube users who may not have appreciated how YouTube has incorporated short-form content into their preferred channel’s feed of videos in recent months.
How YouTube Shorts Separate Tab Works?
Before the update, if you select a channel, there are only one tab, “videos.” It will show you a listing of user uploads, including short videos, live streams, and regular-length videos. There is a filter that lets you alter the format that the list displays the list in; it’s reset every when you exit the page, meaning that when you return, all the videos will be merged and again.
The main drawback of this strategy is that it might make it a little more difficult for those who are a completist, want to catch everything the channel has to offer and love having it all in one place.
User Feedback
The initial feedback received from viewers on Twitter in response to YouTube’s announcement about the change has been positive, and users applaud YouTube for giving each kind of content a distinct category.
Wrap Up
Unlike TikTok and Instagram Reels, Where there is the same ratio for every video, YouTube videos have different proportions. As I said earlier, The separate tab may affect the overall view experience. Shorts and Regular Videos coming one after another is not a good user experience. Since Shorts suggest random videos from different channels, they mostly stay when the videos are good and move to another video. They rarely explore the following videos within the channel. What are your thoughts about the new YouTube Separate Shorts Tab? Share your thoughts below.

Selva Ganesh is the Chief Editor of this Blog. He is a Computer Science Engineer, An experienced Android Developer, Professional Blogger with 8+ years in the field. He completed courses about Google News Initiative. He runs Android Infotech which offers Problem Solving Articles around the globe.
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